Geography 258

Winter 2000

Maps and GIS

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Version of 30 December 1999

Lectures: Smith 304 MWF 9:30-10:20

Section meetings in Smith 415 (Geography Collab) unless otherwise noted

AA T 9-10:20; AB T 1-2:20; AC Th 9-10:20; AD Th 12:30- 1:50

If you want to find a place to stay in an unknown town or the habitat for some endangered species, chances are you will want a map.

Have you ever stopped to consider

Maps are an ancient technology, going back nearly as far as written language. People have been lying with maps a lot longer than they have been lying with statistics. Recently, a group of technologies collectively called Geographic Information Systems have revolutionized how maps are managed and opened new ways of using geographic information.

Geography 258, offered for the first time in ten years, will allow you to explore the worlds of maps and GIS.